Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Unit 7 - Class 1

The Choice to Be Amish

Look at the picture above. 
Why do you think the driver is using a horse and buggy instead of a car?

_____ a. He enjoys using a horse and buggy
_____ b. This is part of his religion.
_____ c. He can't afford to drive a car.
_____ d. He is in the tourist business.

Add a comment to this post giving your choice and supporting  your opinion.

Unit 7 - Class 1

The Amish people are Christians who live in the United States and Canada. They came from Europe in the early eighteenth century because they were looking for religious freedom. They still believe in a simple life focused on family, work, and religion. Today, most Amish avoid using modern technology such as cars.

1. Read the timeline on p. 123 in the book. Pay attention to the boldfaced words. 

2. Work on the vocabulary exercise on p. 123. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

Unit 7 - Class 2

Note Taking

1. Download the following material about note taking.

2. Read the material carefully to learn about how to take notes on a class, lecture, or video.

3. Take a blank piece of paper and watch the following video. While you watch the video take some notes on the most important information given.

4. When you finish watching the video. Decide 4 to 6 categories in which you can divide the information. Example: History.

Unit 7 - Class 2

The Amish way of life

Now you are going to watch another video about The Amish.

1. Take the same notes you used for the previous video.

2. Watch the video an add more information in the corresponding categories you already have.

3. When you finish watching the videos, write a comment to this post summarizing the information from the two videos.